Friday, November 2, 2007

Goats and Watermelons

The end of Ramadan, the men praying together.

Dance party!

At exactly noon every day, all the goats in the village (that's, like, several thousand goats!) gather in front of my house on their way out to pasture. You have to see the video to really understand how crazy it is.

A bunch of volunteers met up to celebrate halloween in the city. There's no pumpkins in Mali, so we carved watermelons (which, surprisingly, ARE in Mali)!

And the garden is coming along quickly. We finished the fence in a day, with the help of half the men in the village who showed up to dig holes, cut branches, and tie sticks together. It looks great, and we're going to start planting as soon as I get back to site.

That's the update for now. Life goes along at a slow pace, yet my thoughts run as fast as ever.


Monarch Motivational Seminars said...

Hi again, Mary!

I just wanted you to know that I FINALLY sent your potato peeler off to you today.

Also put in a few packets of seeds. They are hard to come by in November in Ohio. I had to go to 5 different places. And I didn't get very many, at that.

Please let me know when you get the package. I know that you never received what I sent to you in India, but I am sure that the mail to the Peace Corps is much more reliable.

At least, one would hope.

Keep posting your news and pictures. . . I am really enjoying hearing from you and seeing your Village progress.

Love and prayers,
"Aunt" Linda

Unknown said...


I sent you a care package as well. There are 2 books, an assortment of fruit leather, some SPF 15 lip balm, and a leatherman pocket knife. (No potato peeler.) One of the books is from me, and the other is from Lisa; as is the lip balm. I hope you receive and enjoy everything.

Life in Cleveland has turned grey and gotten colder. We had a pretty awesome Indian Summer for a while, but now it gets dark early and cold at night. The trees still have leaves and color, though. I think it's time to put the motorcycle away for the winter... but that means that I get to do all the work on it that I've been putting off. Motorcycle work isn't really work, ya know?

So the general consensus is that everyone loves your watermelon jack-o-lanterns. I was really happy to talk to you the other day about carving them, and your party afterwards. The best part was that you seemed happy. It was also cool to hear about your 3-4-5 triangle... it's funny to see what information actually turns out to be useful. Like keyboarding... best skill I ever learned, and I took it because I thought it would be an easy "A!"

Good luck with your garden. I hope the beds turn out as straight and square as you'd like. No more "snot sauce" for Mary!

Okay, let me know if you get the package. Love you much.


Anonymous said...


Hope all is well. Check out some of my new material in progress at ...enjoy the poo, and if you do, spread the word like goo!

John the Greek