Friday, February 27, 2009


Some of you have been begging me to update the blog, so here it is.

...I'm still in Mali. That much hasn't changed.
I'm still trying to build a school. There've been a lot of twists and turns and grovelling and promises of NGO partnerships and setbacks and developments, and the latest is that we've raised over $15,000 so far, which is substantial, and thanks to all of you who had a part in that. It also seems like we're going to able to work with BuildOn to fund the rest of the project and help with its construction. So that's great news! But because of the Malian climate, it looks like we won't be starting construction until January 2010! So I've decided to stay a third year to finish the project through to the very last brick.

In the meantime, class has resumed in Tongo, the cold season has come and gone, and it's HOT. The well has been dug, and is 99% complete. The only thing it lacks is a lid. We plan to start building the latrines for the school in another month, and we just put up a real fence around the women's garden so the ckickens can't get in and eat all the good stuff.
I also helped Kyle, my closest volunteer, paint a world map in his village. We quickly realized that most of the kids (and even the adults) couldn't even locate Mali on a map, much less America or other countries, so we held a couple mini-geography lessons.

We also realized that Malians go nuts over marshmellows, which they pronounce as marshymellons. We had a great time teaching them how to make smores. If anyone's looking for good ideas for care packages, send marshmellows, grahm crackers, and chocolate!

That's the update so far. I'm heading off to Paris in two weeks to kiss Seth under the Eiffel tower, and then rumor has it that I might be making a guest appearance in the US in April............ Keep your fingers crossed.
In the meantime, here's a picture of a 2 year old driving a motorcycle:


Rosemary B. Althoff said...

HA! I got here first!

All, right, you're staying another year . . . all the more reason for me to get buff and visit you! Frogs are okay, but no ants, please! (Well, black ones are okay. but those angry red ones - ack!)

So glad that funding and project are going well (pun). Love you forever!

Amy A said...

So does this mean you still need us to raise money or not?

Unknown said...

Well, we will miss you greatly for another YEAR, but honestly with the way things look around here, at least you'll have a job for the next year or so.
Also, I'm super sad that I didn't put marshmallows in the care package I just sent... next time, they will be there. Hang in there through the heat, and send some my way if you get tired of it! It snowed again in Chicago today.
Miss you!

Monarch Motivational Seminars said...

Finally another update! I have been checking often and disappointed not to see one.

I am excited for you to go to Paris and kiss Seth under the Eiffel Tower. Would like to meet him sometime.

Let me know when you will be in the U.S.A. and Ohio. Maybe I can arrange a trip to Wausseon. OR you could come to Ashtabula! We would love to see you in our new little church. . . Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church right here in Saybrook Ohio.

Love and prayers,
Aunt Linda

Unknown said...


One more year in Mali for you! I'm sad that I won't be able to see much of you for another year, but glad that you have decided to see this project through to the end. It's not an easy commitment, and to tack on another year...

Let's just say I'm uber-impressed.

Keep up the great work; humanity can use more Mary Althoff's.

By the way, you should be seeing the music update in the form of CD's in the mail soon. I just mailed them out, but I'm not sure how long that normally takes. I hope you have some access to a computer to add them to your iPod. Hope you enjoy them and they bring you some joy.

By the way, does this rumored visit to America include a stop in Ohio? I'm taking a vacation to visit the 'Nati in April, and I'd love to see you if you are nearby.

Take good care of yourself and the village.


John the Greek

Monarch Motivational Seminars said...

Just wanted to pop in and say

Love and prayers,
"Aunt" Linda